Admission to First Year Diploma in Engineering

The college runs Formal Diploma Courses of 3 year duration in various branches of Engineering viz Civil, Computer Science, Electrical, Electronics Telecommunication Mechanical, Mining and Mine Surveying.

The admission to these courses is done under direction and monitoring of Directorate of Technical Education, Satpura Bhavan, Bhopal. Before COVID ,state Level PrePolytechnic Test (PPT) were conducted by VYAPAM (PEB) for 10 th pass students in May-June every year. But from past 3-4 years Admission process is being conducted through 10th result only. The complete process of Admission viz. Registration, Choice filing, Document verification, Allotment of seat, is online and executed by MPONLINE. Candidates can participate in the admission process in first, second or CLC rounds. They can visit portal to have further information about Admission.

Student Name
Email Id
Mobile No.